Sunday, April 1, 2012


March has come in like a lamb and Carol loves going outside. 

The attached picture shows two happy girls.  Carol has been real happy this month.    Love bill & carol

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Eric and 3 GK's came to see Bill and stopped by Carol's unit and

and got Carol out of her walker and let her walk down two halls to Bill's room.  When they entered the room she burst out into the biggest smile we've seen lately.  She was actually bouncing with joy. Looking at the boys on each side, she actually seemed to recogonize them.

GK's are Sean and Nathan Eldridge and Alex Dennard. 

They then walked Carol back to her Unit with boys helping on the other side.  Longest walk Carol has had in sometime. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Bill had lumbar surgery on Dec 12 and was doing fine for about a month.  But then two blod clots developed, one in each lung and I had to go to the ER. Went from there to Rehab at CCC and still there.   But doing good.  No longer on oxcegyn and physical therepy is going good. Hope to go home this week. Good to be here so I can see Carol twice a day.

I have written before about the sincere expression of LOVE I have felt in this facility, especially in the Alzheimer's Special Care Unit.  It is the REAL THING.  Now I have found the same sincere LOVE present in the Therepy Group.  They work with some very handicapped individuals and are so sweet and loving.  It is a real Blessing from God.

Carol is doing great and seems to be happy most of the tine.  Smiles a lot and jabbers away.  She does not seem to be hurting in any way and I can't ask for anything more. 

Thank you for your prayers.      bill and carol

Monday, January 16, 2012


First nice day of the new year and Eric,our  son took Carol outside for a walk. Carol walks very good but most of us don't give her the chance.  Eric always does and she really enjoys going outside. 
She is happy most of the time and that is all we can ask for.  She loves to receive attention and so many of the staff are cooperative.

Billl startedd off the new year recovering from back surgery.  Stilll taking therapy and back seems to be getting better.    I am resolved to live with artheritic pain in back, knees, shoulders, hands, etc.  Getting old ain't for sissy's
Happy New Year to all visitors.  We love you,   bill

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Nursing Homes do not have a universal reputation of being wonderful for the guests and their families.  We are very fortunate to have found a NH just for Alzheimer's and actually called a Special Care Unit.  It is a secure unit and most guests are given a reasonable degree of mobility, either by walking, wheel chairs or the Merry Walkers which is what Carol has.  While in the Walker, she is able to sit, stand and actually walk whenever she wants to do so.  Others can really manuever wheel chairs and go all over the Unit.  Some residents are capable of walking without any assistance but it is not encouraged while it is also not restricted.  The main concern is that a "walker" might be bumped by one of the guests in a wheel chair or Merry Walker.

But the main thing that makes this Special Care Unit so great is the four letter word----LOVE!!!!!!  It is real and not just a facade.  It goes both ways.  The staff does love the guests and the guests really love the staff.  Carol really gets gushey when some of the Aides or Nurses comes up and talks to her.  She sees them out of the corner of her eye and actually wants them to come talk to her.  She can not speak words but her smile and emotions say nothing but LOVE!!!!!She has her own language.  We say that Carol's Christian Ministry is to spread God's Love around the halls of the Nursing Home.  She has a big reputation and it even goes outside this particular Unit. The leading person in this sharing of real love, is the morning nurse, Janet Lowell.  She is an amazing person and the guests all recogonize and love Janet.  I feel sure the other staff folks also love Janet.  Carol and I certainly do love Janet.

Others that work in or near Carol at the Christian Care Center are:

 Ashley, Dusty, Regina,Cama, Marciel, Lucy, Brandi, Brittany, Rachel, Rosalynn, Joyce, Jesse, Debra, Tracie, Tawana, Marlene, Emma, Angela, Irene, and others that I have probably forgotten to include.

They also love me.      bill

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Get Up and Go has Gone and Went!!!!

Friends are always asking me “How are you doing?” I’m not sure how to answer that question. My physical health has a lot of aches and pains but my heart and blood pressure seem to be doing great. The Dr even took me off of my Blood Pres. medicine. My attitude is usually OK. I am thankful that Carol seems to be happy and contended. But I guess I do have periods of depression.
My get up and go has gone and went!!! I have always been a morning person but lately, I have trouble even getting out of bed. I think it is more than old age. I seem to be able to put off anything. I neglect my exercise program. Even eating is often skipped, which is certainly not normal for Bill Eldridge. I don’t cook much anymore. I have been on a low Carb diet and have lost 25 lbs. but have trouble with the discipline of a diet. My social life is also easily postponed and/or skipped. I watch a lot of news but miss being able to discuss (and cuss) the breaking news.
So, next time you ask me about how I am doing, you might not get a real meaningful answer.
I guess I'm coping well with the challenges in my life. But, having the love of my life in a nursing home does take it's toll. Bill

Monday, July 18, 2011


Carol has really started talking (jabbering) and singing more lately.  Especially when she sees someone that gets her attention  like staff ladies or Carman our daughter.  Sometimes I get a little bit of recognition.  I guess I am there so often that I am not worth a big greeting.  There are certain staff members that she really gets excited over and that really makes those folks happy.  This is more of Carol's ministry of showing God's Love to those in the Nursing Home.  Her Ministry is so real to me and that makes me have such good vibes about Carol's situation.  It could be so much worse.
Please keep Carol in your prayers.

Praise the Lord!!!!