Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Eric and 3 GK's came to see Bill and stopped by Carol's unit and

and got Carol out of her walker and let her walk down two halls to Bill's room.  When they entered the room she burst out into the biggest smile we've seen lately.  She was actually bouncing with joy. Looking at the boys on each side, she actually seemed to recogonize them.

GK's are Sean and Nathan Eldridge and Alex Dennard. 

They then walked Carol back to her Unit with boys helping on the other side.  Longest walk Carol has had in sometime. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Bill had lumbar surgery on Dec 12 and was doing fine for about a month.  But then two blod clots developed, one in each lung and I had to go to the ER. Went from there to Rehab at CCC and still there.   But doing good.  No longer on oxcegyn and physical therepy is going good. Hope to go home this week. Good to be here so I can see Carol twice a day.

I have written before about the sincere expression of LOVE I have felt in this facility, especially in the Alzheimer's Special Care Unit.  It is the REAL THING.  Now I have found the same sincere LOVE present in the Therepy Group.  They work with some very handicapped individuals and are so sweet and loving.  It is a real Blessing from God.

Carol is doing great and seems to be happy most of the tine.  Smiles a lot and jabbers away.  She does not seem to be hurting in any way and I can't ask for anything more. 

Thank you for your prayers.      bill and carol