Special Care Alzheimer's Unit at the Christian Care Center in Mesquite, Tx. I look at it often and thought it should be posted in Carol's Blog.
"BLESSED are they who understand
my faltering step and shaking hand,
BLESSED, who know my ears today
who strain to catch the things they say.
BLESSED are they who seem to know
my eyes are dim and my mind is slow.
BLESSED are they who look away.
I spilled my tea on the cloth that day!
BLESSED are they who, with cheery smile,
stopped to chat for a little while.
BLESSED are they who know the way
to bring back memories of yesterday.
BLESSED are they who never say,
“You’ve told me that story twice today!”
that I’m loved, respected and not alone.
And BLESSED are they who will ease the days
of my journey home, in loving ways."
By Elisabeth Clark
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